Monday, March 18, 2013

Pepper chicken

Pepper Chicken with mushroom

I prepared this recipe inspired from a Chinese restaurant where I ate pepper chicken .  The kids always love it when I prepared it.

We need:

  1. Chicken pieces  -       250 g boneless
  2.  Mushroom  (button ) -     5pieces
  3. 1 medium Potato (optional)
  4. 1/2 Green Bell Pepper
  5. 1/2 of tomato
  6.   4 table spoon veg oil
  7.   1 small onion
  8. 1 tea spoon ginger garlic paste  
  9. 1 table spoon black pepper freshly ground  
  10. Salt for taste


Clean the chicken and keep it aside. Cut the mushroom into two pieces and potato  into four pieces.  chop onion into medium pieces.  Heat a non stick pan on to medium heat. Put oil on it and when it is hot put the onion . Fry a little and then put the chicken and potato pieces. Stir it and put the ginger garlic paste. Fry this stirring occasionally. Sprinkle salt. When the chicken and potatoes almost cooked give the tomato and stir. Put the freshly ground black pepper and capsicum  pieces and fry for a little time on high heat. The pepper chicken is ready to eat  when the oil comes out from it. Serve with steamed rice or noodles.
