Friday, October 23, 2015

Fried Eggplant

Eggplant Fry

Eggplant , one of my husband's favorite vegetable . One day he requested me to watch a video of a Chinese chef preparing eggplant . I took the idea from him but I used my  masala to prepare it.

Here is the recipe:

Ingredients :

  • 1 long eggplant
  • 1 tbsp corn starch
  • 1 tsp freshly ground black pepper
  • 1/2 tsp roasted cumin powder.
  • 1 tbsp freshly chopped spring onion
  • 1/2tbsp freshly chopped coriander leaves
  • Salt to taste
  • Oil

Method :

At first peel the eggplant and cut it in one and half inch long .  Rub salt and corn starch .
Put a pan with enough oil to deep fry the eggplant . Keep it aside.

Then put an another pan on high heat. Put one tsp oil from the other pan . Add the roasted cumin powder and black pepper powder. When you put the masala do not keep the pan on the heat. The masala should not be burnt . Stir it once and then add the chopped spring onion and coriander leaves putting the pan back on the heat. Then add the fried eggplant on it and mix it well . Adjust the salt here and serve hot with rice or chappati.

Tips: Don't wash the peeled eggplant and fry the eggplant immidiately


Thursday, October 22, 2015

Stir Fried Chicken

This is originally my husband"s recipe. He cooked chicken thigh pieces in olive oil adding the dried herbs.  There are lots oil left  in that pan and that oil is in no use. So I start cooking  adding vegetables on it. Finally I got a  good recipe.

This is a very healthy and kids favorite dish. It takes only little time to cook. If your guest come in a short notice this is a perfect dish to serve as a starter too. 


Preparation time 5 minute and cooking time 15 minute

We will need: 

  • 1 lb Chicken breast or thigh, cut into 3/4 inch cubes, preferably boneless and without the skin if you want to avoid the chicken fat. 
  • Some vegetables - as listed below, cut into bite size 3/4 inches
    • 1 medium size potato, cut into 8 pieces 
    • 4-5 Broccoli florets
    • 3 Button Mushroons cut into halves.
    • 1 medium onion cut into 8 large chunks, preferably red onion.
    • 1/2 green Capcisum 
  • 2 Table spoon extra virgin olive oil.
  • 1/2 Tea spoon of freshly crushed coriander seeds and cumin seeds
  • 1/2 Tea spoon of dried rosemery , thyme and basil.( you can use only one of these spices or mixture of the three.)
  • 1/2 tea spoon of paprika 
  • 1 tea spoon of freshly grind black pepper. 
  • Salt to taste.


Cut the chicken pieces in small. Cut the vegetables also in almost equal size. 

Put oil in  a pan on  medium heat .

When it is hot add the coriander  and cumin seeds. Add the chicken and potatoe pieces. Stir  it properly and cover with a lid. Stir it occasionally. 

When it is half cooked add the spices and mix it well. Then add the brocoli and mushroom. Stir it.

Don't cover after adding the mushroom, because when covers mushroom releases water. 

Add the onion and capsicum when the potatoes and chicken are almost cooked. The onion and capsicum should not be over cooked . 

You can eat this dish as a starter or with rice and noodles.  

Note : If you plan to eat with rice add one tomato slices when you are adding  onion and capsicum and add one extra spoon oil.  


Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Kawai Maas aru Lai Saak ( কাৱৈ মাছ আৰু লাই শাক )

Kawai maas or koi maas, is available in any asian store. Bangladesh is a great exporter of this fish.  Lai saak , looks like mustard greens , is also available in asian stores
 This recipe is so simple and easy.


  • Lai saak one bunch

  • Kawai maas 2-3
  • Garlic 2-3
  • Fenugreekc seed 1/2 tea spoon 
  • Tomato 1-2
  • Oil 3tbsp
  • Salt to taste
  • turmeric powder 1/2 tsp
  • Green chilli 2or 3 
  • Juice of ginger 1tsp
  • Coriander leaves for garnish.


Clean the fish and marinate it with salt, ginger juice and turmeric powder.  Keep it aside.

Wash the lai saak and do small pieces using your hand.

Put a heavy based pan on high heat. Put oil to fry the fish. Fry the fish on medium heat till it golden brown. Keep it aside. Add fenugreek seeds on that same oil. When it turns color then add the lai saak on it.Reduce the heat.  Put turmeric powder and salt and mix it well. Cut the tomatoes in four pieces and add to the saak. Add the crushed garlic. Cover it for 5 minute . Then add 1 cup warm water in it . Cover it and let it boil.
Add the fried fish and green chillies  when it is boiling. Cover it again and Allow it to cook for 10 to 15 minute on medium heat.

Garnish with the coriander leaves and serve with steamed rice.

Note:If you like thick gravy you can add a potato with the lai saak.


Thursday, October 15, 2015

Fish curry 

Lai saakar machar jul

After long time back I want to write about assamese cuisine. My husband always  ask me to write down the Assamese recipes  mainly from the villages. Assamese people  are lovers of fish. So they eat fish at both lunch and dinner. Today I will write about  a fish curry with Lai saak (a special type mustard green leaves.). This is my mommy's recipe .

You need

  •  A bunch Lai saak.
  •  4/5 piece  Fish (any river fish)
  •  1/2 tea spoon fenugreek seeds
  •  Tomato 1 small (optional)                           
  •  oil 2 table spoon
  •  coriander leaves
  •  turmeric powder 1/2 tea spoon
  •  salt
  •  2-3 green chillies ( Ootional)


Clean the Lai saak and separate the tender one and keep it aside. Seperate the stem and the leaves and massage it using your hands.  Keep it. 

Rub the fish with turmeric powder and salt.

Put a pan or kadai in gas stove on high heat. Put the oil in it and when it is hot put the fenugreek seeds. It become splatter immediately and add the fish on it.Reduce the gas to medium.When the fish turns to golden brown turn over the fish. After 3-5 minute add the lai saak . Add the remaining turmeric powder and adjust the salt. Cover and Cook  for 5 - 8 minute. Then some water comes out from the saak and turn over every thing using a spatula . Fish should be on top .Add the tomato slices here if you want it.Cover it for 5 minute. Put  1/2 cup of water. When it is boiling add the tender Lai Saak and coriander leaves  and cover it . Cook it for another 5/6 minute. Add 2/3 green chilies . 

And serve hot with steamed rice.

Tips: You can fry the fish earlier and add later when the curry is boiling. But the fish should be half cooked only. If you want a thick gravy you can use a boiled potato mash.


Taro Stem with fish

Taro stem with fish head 
 Assamese delicacy- Kochhu saak aru maach muror aanja)

One morning of summer  I found  the taro stem in the Farmers Market and lots of childhood memories came to my mind . I never cooked it earlier even though it is one of  my most favoriet dish. I called up my uncle immidiately and asked the recipie.He is a very good cook. He uses small tomatoes and very small green chillies which is only available in Assam, India. So I decided to try the  recipie with Thai Green Chilli and vain tomato. Later on I came to know that   Taro stem is available in any asian store.


Taro stem : one bunch
Potato : one medium
Tomato: one medium
Masoor dal : a handfull
and 1/2 of fish ( Rahu / Catla/ Hilsa) head  

Onion: one small
Garlic: 2/3 crushed
Ginger : 1/2 inch crushed
Black Pepper corn : 1 tbsp crushed
Green chillies: 2/3
And a pinch of roasted Cumin powder.
Mustard oil: 4 tbs ( 2tbs for frying the fish+2tbs for the curry)
Turmeric powder: 1/2 tsp
salt to taste


At first clean the fish head and marrinate the fish with salt and turmeric powder.

Peel and Cut the taro stem in 2 inch length. Put enough water in a pot and keep to boil. Put one tsp of salt in the boiling water. And switch off the heat . Then add the cut  taro stem and cover it.

Cut the onion into small pieces. Make a rough paste of ginger and garlic. Wash the dal and keep it aside. Cut the potato also same as the stem.

Put a pan on medium head and put oil and fry the fish till it golden brown.  It should be fried properly. Keep the fish aside. Put a little more oil on the  same pan and fry the onion. Then add the crushed ginger garlic  in it. Fry it for a while till the aroma come. Now it is ready to add Potato pieces .Put the termeric powder and little salt.  And cover it and reduce the heat.

Drain the taro stem and keep for a while .

Add the stem on the potato and mix it well . Cover it again.

Then add the daal. Mix it well. Add a cup of water and let it boil.
When it boils add the fry fish head and let it cook properly on medium heat.

When it is cooked add black pepper, roasted cumin powder and green chillies and mix well. Cover it and keep it on low flame  for about 5 minute.

Serve with white rice.
