Thursday, June 16, 2016


Deep Fried Chicken 

It is a kid's favoriate chicken recipe that they like to eat as a snack or dinner with carrot  and cucumber slices and some romaine leaves.



  • Chicken 250 g ( Prefered bone less )
  • Cumin Powder 1tsp
  • Coriander powder 1/2 tsp
  • Paprika 1 tsp
  • Corn starch 1 tbsp
  • Rice flour 1/2 tbsp
  • Salt to taste
  • Oil for frying


  • Wash the chicken pieces and drain it well.
  • Rub the chicken pieces with salt , cumin and corianer powder . 
  • Mix corn starch , paprika and rice flour together with a little salt. 
  • Put the flour mixer into the chicken and mix it very well. ( Some times need to add two- three drops of water to give the chicken a nice coat. )
  • Put enough oil in a skylet on high heat to deep fry the chicken pieces.
  • When the oil is hot reduce the heat to medium. 
  • Fry the chicken pieces till it turns golden brown and crispy.
  • And serve it with your choice of sauce. ( Kids like it with tomato ketchup)

NOTE:  You can add salad and boiled potato with butter if you are serving the chicken  as a dinner.
