Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Fish curry - Authentic Assamese Fish curry

 Authentic Assamese fish curry- Mom's Special


  • 4/5 piece of Rohu or Catla ( Or any freshwater/ river fish)
  •  1/2 of a bottle gourd (150gms approx) - cut into pieces.
  • 1 handful of orange lentil ( masur daal)
  • 1-inch ginger
  • 2 tsp turmeric powder
  • salt to taste
  • Mustard oil.
  • 1tsp fenugreek seeds(methi)


  1. Rub the fish with turmeric powder and salt.
  2. Put a Kadai on high flame.
  3. Add enough oil to fry the fish.
  4. Fry the fish till golden brown (both side)
  5. Keep it aside. 
  6. In that same oil add fenugreek seed and let it splatter.
  7. Add crushed ginger and stir it. Fry a little. Let the raw smell goes.
  8. Add the pieces of bottle gourd and lentil. Mix it and then add turmeric.
  9. Mix it well and cover it and reduce the heat to medium.
  10. Add 2 1/2 cup hot water when the lentil get roasted. Let it boil.
  11. Adjust the salt. 
  12. Once it is almost cooked add the fried fish into the curry. ( adjust the water) 
  13. Let it cook for another 5 min. 
  14. Garnish with green chili and coriander leaves.
  15. Serve with steamed rice. 

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