Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Kawai Maas aru Lai Saak ( কাৱৈ মাছ আৰু লাই শাক )

Kawai maas or koi maas, is available in any asian store. Bangladesh is a great exporter of this fish.  Lai saak , looks like mustard greens , is also available in asian stores
 This recipe is so simple and easy.


  • Lai saak one bunch

  • Kawai maas 2-3
  • Garlic 2-3
  • Fenugreekc seed 1/2 tea spoon 
  • Tomato 1-2
  • Oil 3tbsp
  • Salt to taste
  • turmeric powder 1/2 tsp
  • Green chilli 2or 3 
  • Juice of ginger 1tsp
  • Coriander leaves for garnish.


Clean the fish and marinate it with salt, ginger juice and turmeric powder.  Keep it aside.

Wash the lai saak and do small pieces using your hand.

Put a heavy based pan on high heat. Put oil to fry the fish. Fry the fish on medium heat till it golden brown. Keep it aside. Add fenugreek seeds on that same oil. When it turns color then add the lai saak on it.Reduce the heat.  Put turmeric powder and salt and mix it well. Cut the tomatoes in four pieces and add to the saak. Add the crushed garlic. Cover it for 5 minute . Then add 1 cup warm water in it . Cover it and let it boil.
Add the fried fish and green chillies  when it is boiling. Cover it again and Allow it to cook for 10 to 15 minute on medium heat.

Garnish with the coriander leaves and serve with steamed rice.

Note:If you like thick gravy you can add a potato with the lai saak.


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