Thursday, October 22, 2015

Stir Fried Chicken

This is originally my husband"s recipe. He cooked chicken thigh pieces in olive oil adding the dried herbs.  There are lots oil left  in that pan and that oil is in no use. So I start cooking  adding vegetables on it. Finally I got a  good recipe.

This is a very healthy and kids favorite dish. It takes only little time to cook. If your guest come in a short notice this is a perfect dish to serve as a starter too. 


Preparation time 5 minute and cooking time 15 minute

We will need: 

  • 1 lb Chicken breast or thigh, cut into 3/4 inch cubes, preferably boneless and without the skin if you want to avoid the chicken fat. 
  • Some vegetables - as listed below, cut into bite size 3/4 inches
    • 1 medium size potato, cut into 8 pieces 
    • 4-5 Broccoli florets
    • 3 Button Mushroons cut into halves.
    • 1 medium onion cut into 8 large chunks, preferably red onion.
    • 1/2 green Capcisum 
  • 2 Table spoon extra virgin olive oil.
  • 1/2 Tea spoon of freshly crushed coriander seeds and cumin seeds
  • 1/2 Tea spoon of dried rosemery , thyme and basil.( you can use only one of these spices or mixture of the three.)
  • 1/2 tea spoon of paprika 
  • 1 tea spoon of freshly grind black pepper. 
  • Salt to taste.


Cut the chicken pieces in small. Cut the vegetables also in almost equal size. 

Put oil in  a pan on  medium heat .

When it is hot add the coriander  and cumin seeds. Add the chicken and potatoe pieces. Stir  it properly and cover with a lid. Stir it occasionally. 

When it is half cooked add the spices and mix it well. Then add the brocoli and mushroom. Stir it.

Don't cover after adding the mushroom, because when covers mushroom releases water. 

Add the onion and capsicum when the potatoes and chicken are almost cooked. The onion and capsicum should not be over cooked . 

You can eat this dish as a starter or with rice and noodles.  

Note : If you plan to eat with rice add one tomato slices when you are adding  onion and capsicum and add one extra spoon oil.  


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